Lead with Collaborative Intelligence™
At a glance
Our flagship leadership development experience, Lead with Collaborative Intelligence™ (LCI) is designed to take the place of multiple leadership development offerings and individual team development events and to work in consort with partnership and D & I initiatives.
LCI brings together the best evidence-based research with thirty years of in-the-field experience developing leaders and the latest in adult learning theory, to create a one-of-a-kind leadership development experience.
Leadership, collaboration and teamwork have never been more critical. But for most organisations, patchy teamwork, lack of accountability, duplication of effort and slow decision-making are still the norm. And those tasked with making a difference through development don't have a lot of options.
Today as much as 80% of our time is spent in meetings, and on the emails and phone calls needed to collaborate. Yet there is little evidence that this increased connectivity is successfully breaking down silos or delivering the anticipated benefits of innovation, speed and agility.
Organisational efforts to improve collaboration fail because:
1. They focus on technology to collaborate rather than skill development
2. What skill development there is focuses on leading others rather than leading self
3. Traditional classroom-based development can’t deliver the experiences needed
Projects and teams don’t fail collectively – they fail because of individuals. People who don’t have the skills to bring their own potential to the table, let alone unlock and nurture the talent of others.
Lead with Collaborative Intelligence™ is the missing link in developing leaders with the insight, experience, and skill to leverage the power of collaboration and teamwork.
LCI is an in-house offering, delivering a shared framework and language for collaboration so individuals at all levels have the insights and practical strategies to collaborate effectively with others across the organisation and beyond, regardless of their level of expertise.
LCI is not for everyone. Leading with Collaborative Intelligence requires participants willing to both look inwards and step up. As such it is intended for organisations willing to take a bold approach. Those ready to re-examine the way they work and execute and develop their people, and committed to creating and sustaining a more inclusive, flexible and trustworthy culture.
For Participants
A deeper and more nuanced understanding of their own ways of thinking, engaging and adapting and the impact, strengths and development opportunities these present
Enhanced team leadership skills enabling them to see and facilitate others’ contributions ensuring they are able to quickly build rapport, navigate conflict and be resilient in the face of challenges
An actionable plan to enhance and leverage their potential as leaders to shape culture as well as individuals work experience and engagement and do remarkable things together
For Organisations
Collaboration-ready leaders with the insight, skills and enthusiasm to contribute effectively and bring together and lead teams which deliver remarkable results
A shared language and understanding of the skills and approaches to collaboration ensuring people from any part of a business can rapidly engage and contribute
Leaders with the ability to shape culture and lift organisational capability by unlocking collective intelligence, fostering belonging and crafting a culture of learning
What makes this programme different?
First, this programme helps learners unpack their insights about the three critical intelligences on which collaborative intelligence is based: thinking intelligence, emotional intelligence, and adaptive intelligence.
Second, it enables learner leaders to apply these intelligences to thinking, working, changing, and collaborating in teams.
Third, it leverages this knowledge to enable leaders to unlock the power of collective intelligence, inclusive leadership, and a culture of learning to truly become collaborative leaders.
Using the latest research on adult learning this experience blends multiple delivery mediums: self-paced online, virtual and face-to-face.
We adopt a flipped-classroom approach to delivery – offering content-based learning in bite-sized chunks and emphasising individual and peer accountability. This ensures efficient use of in-person time to delve deeper into key concepts and focus on problem-solving
Our belief: age, stage and seniority are no guarantee of skill.
Although this programme is delivered in three stages it can only be completed in order. Regardless of your level in an organisation or your experience, all participants start with stage one which focuses on deepening and strengthening our own ways of thinking, engaging and adapting.
The content of the LCI programme is deliberately spaced out to provide time for participants to absorb concepts and make them their own, put into practice what they are learning, reflect on this and adapt their approach so new skills are integrated and embedded
Reflection rather than feedback thus becomes the key driver of change.

Find out more
To find out more about the Lead with Collaborative Intelligence™ Programme please email Anne