A cutting-edge programme for next gen people developers
At a glance
After compensation and flexibility, the three top factors that drive people to stay with or leave organisations are opportunities to:
do challenging and impactful work
grow their careers, and
learn and develop
All of which can be achieved in their existing organisation with the will and skill.
The Way-Paving Programme offers an alternative to continuing to invest in generic coaching skills programmes and organisational-wide mentoring programmes with mixed results. Beginning where coaching, mentoring and sponsorship intersect, Way-Paving targets those from across an organisation who already have a genuine interest and track record in helping others grow.
Despite leaders agreeing a key aspect of their role is to unlock the potential of their people, most fall woefully short. This failure is not the result of a lack of training or opportunity. It is because it is assumed that people leaders are the ones who must be responsible for developing their people. While this might be ideal it's not realistic because:
people-leaders are those who already have the greatest demands on their time
it is assumed that developing others requires considerable time and effort as opposed to self-awareness, reflection and insight
some people leaders are simply more gifted and suited to people development than others
Those within your organisation to whom others naturally gravitate. They are acknowledged as safe and supportive people to whom others turn to vent, test ideas, ask for feedback or advice, gain perspective or seek challenge or encouragement.
Way-Pavers are not limited by age, stage, or position and can be found at all levels and functions in organisations. They are unlikely to self-identify but are readily identified by others.
Way-Pavers is the natural follow-up to capitalise on the investment organisations have made in many of their Growing Greatness participants.
For Participants
Participants can expect to:
See, recognise and learn to articulate the value they add as Way-Pavers
Hone their gifts by learning an array of skills and techniques that can be employed in the service of helping others grow
Test, reflect on and evolve their Way-Paving skills by applying them in real-time
For Organisations
Organisations can expect participants to emerge:
Confident about their value and setting boundaries for themselves and others
Skilled in the key roles of coach, mentor and sponsor and clear about when and where to employ different techniques
Clear about what they do and who they are most suited to supporting
The Way-Paving Programme covers four aspects: mindset and beliefs, creating space and state, skills and tools for the conversation, and committing to mastery.
The programme can be offered to cohorts of up to 20 participants and includes:
A 60-minute online group intake call to set the scene, establish connection, and outline pre-work
Two full-day workshops scheduled four to six weeks apart
A 90-minute online accountability check-in session to share progress and answer questions
Tailored real-time mentoring from the facilitator
Structured self-paced learning assignments
Individual and peer accountability via structured learning groups
Workshop One
Helps participants see the role they play as Way-Pavers and offers them the language and structure to see what it is they do instinctively, as well as identify those skills they wish to develop further. The second part of the workshop explores the core skills of Way-Pavers and introduces the disciplines of learning groups which are the basis for participants to extend their knowledge and support each other.
Workshop Two
Draws on the participant’s experience and research to share knowledge, and also deep dives into the skills and practices participants identify that would be useful. In addition, we take a deeper dive into key skills, workshop challenging situations and assist participants to develop the mindset, beliefs and boundaries necessary to manage the role of Way-Paving and commit to mastery. Explores how the participant’s organisation best utilises their contribution as Way-Pavers, reporting back on their experience and recommendations.

Find out more
To find out more about the Way-Paving Programme™ please email Anne